Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Low Blood Type Food Enhancer

        Food Enhancer Blood. Red blood cells or erythrocytes become an important component that acts as a dealer of oxygen to tissues throughout the body. The number of erythrocytes in the body should be balanced, should not be too much or less. Reduced red blood cells resulting in anemia or lack of blood or blood low.

        Low blood or anemia is a condition in which the levels of red blood cells or the oxygen and carbon dioxide-binding protein (hemoglobin) were below the normal amount. The body will respond from this disorder, such as tired, pale and dizzy after sitting too long.

        Anemia occurs due to deficiency of minerals such as iron, folic acid, and vitamins such as A, B12, and C. As for other causes of anemia such as excessive bleeding during menstruation, women are prone to anemia, especially not enough body stores iron.

       The easiest way to overcome anemia is to eat foods blood booster, could be among the vegetables, nuts, seafood, fruit, and more. The following food additive low blood very effectively increases the number of red blood cells in the body.

Food Enhancer Blood 

First, you can multiply the consumption of fruits that contain vitamin A, C, or B complex (especially B12). Any fruit blood booster in question?

1. Orange 

Famous citrus fruit with vitamin C. Vitamin can multiply the red blood cells in the body, is very good for patients with anemia. There are also other content in citrus such as fiber, folic acid, and antioxidants.

2. Tomato 

Tomatoes with two straight vitamins, namely A and C. For yangmenderita diabetes, a day try to consume tomatoes as much as one to two.

3. Mango 

In mango, saved as much as 60 mg of vitamin C, numbering almost meet the daily vitamin needs of adults. Mango was fit to be bufavo patients with anemia, in addition to restoring the condition of the body is also getting stronger because of their antioxidant role as enhancing the immune system.

4. Guava

The amount of vitamin C that helps increase red blood cell production in guava fruit two times more than oranges, but rarely know. This fruit can also treat dysentery, you can peep the full articles efficacy of guava fruit.

5. Apple

Benefits apple one of which is to treat anemia, actually not. But because of the high vitamin C, apples become appropriate advice for people with less blood.

6. Papaya 

This fruit is known for its ability to smooth bowel movement, overcome the BAB jams, and other gastrointestinal disorders. Actually, the papaya fruit is also good for people with anemia. Because this fruit contains two compounds that are needed by people with low blood, namely vitamin C and folic acid.

7. Strawberry

Just like papaya carrying two compounds that are required by the patient's body is less blood, vitamin C and vitamin B9 (folic acid). So, you should not hesitate to eat the fruit that sometimes tastes a little sour this acid.

8. Dragon fruit 

According to the Chinese, the dragon fruit can give good luck and blessing. Although the fruit is not believed to be fully able to help people with anemia, but as one source of vitamin A was crowned as the fruit of fruit blood booster.

9. Cane 

Did not know the correct cane belongs to the family of fruits or vegetables, or what? No matter what the cane of a clear, these plants become a favorite snack that is devoted to women anemia. From the research, the highest content in it is iron, which is why the cane belonging to the blood booster foods.

Fruit other blood booster: 

* Bananas* Persimmon
* Breadfruit* Pomegranate* Kiwi* Wine* Avocados
* Cantaloupe* Cherry* Mandarin orange* Pumpkin* Raisins

Furthermore, you can choose foods blood booster derived from vegetables, of course, the same as the above fruits that contain the essential nutrients required anemia. Anything?

10. Cauliflower or Cauliflower 

This greenish white vegetables are easy to buy, commonly used as salad vegetables to eat fish fry. The content of nutrients in it on par with vegetables, broccoli, very well to regenerate red blood cells. There are also other substances that are not as important as protein, calcium, calcium, niacin, and thamine.

11. Coysum 

Vegetables that contain chlorophyll (chlorophyll) is also needed by patients with anemia when you want to heal. You can try green cabbage or chicory. In which not only contains vitamin A, B, and C which effectively regenerate hemoglobin, but also pocketed a lot of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and potassium is good for pregnant women.

12. Spinach 
These vegetables are also classified as green vegetables are good for pregnant women and patients with anemia. Women who before entering the menstrual phase it's good to eat spinach for forming red blood cells back up until the time of menstruation arrives.


Do not eat spinach that passed through a 5 hour cooking process. Why? Because of the potential to become toxic due to already interact with oxygen, though it was preserved in the refrigerator.

13. Kale 

Who does not like the green vegetables? Many creations of vegetable dishes is simple but nourishing. Investigate a investigate, because all parts of leafy green vegetables, and iron content is high, making these vegetables into a vegetable blood booster most advisable to eat them anemic.
You might like to watch TV while eating a snack? If you know having problems with anemia, replace the usual snacks you eat nuts have low blood booster.

14. Green beans 

Adapted from the site Online Digest, green beans can handle the problem of lack of blood because in it there are a lot of iron. Green beans can also take care of other health problems such as dermatitis, gastrointestinal, and neurological disorders. Certainly more comfortable if the green beans eaten with bread.
15. Dry Peas 

Peas is effective to increase the blood of people with anemia. If you're on a diet, peas can be incorporated into your diet.

16. Almond nut 

Almonds or almonds are rich in iron that can optimize blood circulation in the body. To meet the daily iron requirement, you only need one ounce of almonds every day.
17. Shrimp 

Seafood that is often invited pros and cons in the tongue of the people, especially when it enters the body. Some people have allergies to shrimp and while that which is not. Before you consume seafood blood booster this one, you'll want to know whether the body is sensitive to the shrimp.
18. Oysters and mussels

 Although a bit fishy odor, mussels or oysters seafood is very suitable for consumption with anemia.

19. Salmon 

Salmon is definitely included in the list of food additive blood, as being a supplier of vitamin B12 is needed by patients with anemia. Another important role of Vit. B12 in the body is splitting cells and keep the nervous system as well as cells, and is necessary for the process of DNA formation.

Additional blood booster foods that can be your choice is chicken breast, fish eggs, boiled soya beans, potatoes, dark chocolate (not sweet), red rice, animal liver, chicken eggs, duck meat, goat meat, and fruit bits.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fruits and Vegetables That Can Prevent Colds Cough

Fruit and Vegetable penghadang Cough Colds 

        Before a cough or a cold, you should take precautions to increase the resistance of the body, one of them through food. Some foods seem to be a bulwark against the flu virus.The flu virus typically stimulate excessive mucus, making it feel uncomfortable because the airway was obstructed. In order cough is not getting worse, avoid foods that can produce mucus.For example, milk and derivative products such as ice cream, yogurt, and cheese. Other foods can also increase the production of mucus are eggs, fried foods, red meat, as well as containing excessive sugar or salt.Conversely, there are certain foods that are useful for treating coughs, sore throat, or runny nose. The type of food is generally rich in vitamins that act as an immune system booster. 

Lots of choices. Here are some types of foods, mostly fruits, vegetables, and herbs, which can be used when a cough or flu : 


Beta-carotene is found in apricots. Beta-carotene is a vitamin that acts as a potent antioxidant that can protect from infection. Also strengthen the body's immune system. 


In broccoli contains nutrients which enhance the body immunity. Entering the broccoli in the daily diet would be very beneficial for health. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C which protects from the flu and viral infections.Broccoli contains beta-carotene which plays an important role in disease prevention. Dark green vegetables have become a good source of iron. Iron is needed to support the production of white blood cells and antibodies. 


Cabbage, either green or red, are very rich in antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Components of these nutrients help strengthen the immune system. 


Contained in carrots beta-carotene. In the body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which has the potential as an antioxidant. 


Cinnamon contains eugenol, phytonutrients components useful as an antiseptic and pain reliever. Also useful is a decongestant that relieves clogged nose due to colds. Cinnamon can be added to food or by mixing with warm water trunk. The mixture was powerful enough to overcome the flu. 


Sulfur contained in garlic keep blood healthy, and able to fight the bacteria and eliminate the virus. Garlic acts as a protector of the respiratory system, it also helps reduce the formation of mucus.


A kind of spice that gives a sense of warmth to the body. Ginger that has been crushed and mixed with warm water will help relieve cough. Effect of ginger is an expectorant or decongestant or remove phlegm and relieve congestion. 


A blend of lemon juice with honey is useful for treating coughs. According to Prof. Peter C. Molan, Ph.D., a researcher from The University of Waikato, New Zealand, honey also has anti-inflammatory components that can overcome a sore throat. 


Citrus fruits provide high antioxidant and phytonutrients that can fight viral infections. Contained in citrus flavonoids, an antioxidant and works in synergy with vitamin C to enhance the body's protection against free radicals. 

Letuce leaves. 

The leaves are dark green letuce contains a number of good nutrition. In general, the letuce contained beta-carotene, folic acid, and vitamin C. 


In the old days, lime is often used as an alternative to cough medicine with a mixture of soy sauce. In lime contained vitamin C is good for immunity. A natural antiseptic contained therein are also useful for sore throat. 


Supplies mango pretty much in the market to make the fruit easy to find. Fruits are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C may be an option to boost the immune system and protect against cell damage. 


Onions contain Phytonutrients that act as natural antibiotics. Serving in the form of salad or soup will give optimum benefit.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Benefit of Fruits for Beauty

    Benefits of Fruit For Beauty Face. For has a beautiful face and fresh necessary utilize the fruit of the treatment and a healthy diet is healthy fruits and also fresh fruit. You need to know that you have to take and on the other side of the fruit is also very instrumental to the health and radiance to your skin. Beautiful beams or relative who can be called more typical is a dazzling aura that emanated from the women. Beauty is the dream of all womankind, look beautiful and graceful certainly desire by a man.

The following information about Benefits of Fruits for Beauty     


Avocado Benefits for Health

     Avocados are one of the fruits are known to contain many benefits for the body. This fruit is known to have a lot of nutritional value in it, including carbohydrates, fat, dietary fiber, protein, and others. The nutrients in avocado can be used in healthy human body. 

Tomatoes for Health

     Tomatoes are one of the fruits that are identical with the color red. All people are not necessarily familiar with the red fruit of this one. Tomato fruit can be eaten directly or added to the entire family's favorite dishes. Because the tomato is one type of fruit, it is not surprising that the fruit contains a variety of nutrients that are needed by your body. You may never know it, tomatoes have such tremendous benefits for the body.
Tomatoes are one of the fruits that are relatively cheap in terms of price in the market. So not surprisingly, there is always the tomatoes in the kitchen or your refrigerator. Even so, a lot of the nutrient content in the flaming red fruit. Based on the facts, this fruit is a good source of vitamins A, C, K, potassium, folate, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and low in sodium, saturated fat, calories and cholesterol. This is what makes tomatoes become one of the fruits that must be consumed daily. Based on a variety of nutritional content, health tips will explore the various health benefits of tomatoes for your body.

Here are 7 powerful benefits of tomatoes for the health of your body:

How to Avoid Wet Lung or Pneumonia

     Wet lung disease can not be taken lightly because the disease is at risk of death. Pneumonia or pneumonia is an infectious disease caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses that cause the lungs become inflamed. As a result of air pockets in the lungs (alveoli) filled with pus and fluid, so its ability to absorb oxygen is reduced. Based on the research, wet lung diseases known to be caused by 30 kinds of sources of infection. But the main cause is derived from bacteria, fungi, viruses, mikroplasma and various chemical compounds, and other particles.  

Sunday, May 10, 2015

How to Eliminate Breath

     Causes of bad breath is quite diverse. Sprue including one, occurs because of an infection in the mouth that causes pus smells from the mouth. Smoking should be regarded as the cause of bad breath, you probably already know why. And, most affecting are cavities. This is a major factor triggers bad breath, occurs because many piles leftovers on the sidelines of cavities which gradually decay and cause bad breath accompanied by other problems such as swollen gums.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Food Lowering Blood Sugar for People with Diabetes

     The food is one that must be controlled by people with diabetes keep blood sugar levels stable. Diabetics are wise must know which foods can cause blood sugar to rise and which can be lowered. In addition, regular exercise, proper diet, adequate rest and avoid stress is a good step to control blood sugar. 

Food That Can Overcome High Stomach Acid

     Secrete gastric acid very important needed to help digest food during digestion. Well when the glands secrete gastric acid is in excess, it will lead to a condition called high stomach acid or dyspepsia; symptoms can begin from heartburn is accompanied by a burning sensation at the back of the chest, until he could develop into ulcers / ulcer. There's more some of the consequences that could be due to high stomach acid, which started quickly broken teeth, loss of appetite, to affect the lungs and cause shortness of breath - this is due to an excess of stomach acid up into the esophagus to the mouth, even into the lungs lungs. Causes excess stomach acid reaction can be caused by a variety of things, including alcoholic beverages, foods that are too spicy, the consumption of anti-inflammatory medications, and stress.

13 Ways To Prevent Asthma Relapse Again

     People who have asthma does have to be careful with a variety of situations. Because, trigger asthma attacks many kinds. People who asthma relapse and not get immediate help can be life-threatening.

10 kinds of ways to overcome natural Stomach Acid

     Indeed excruciating stomach acid, acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus can cause chest pain which is very uncomfortable. To be able to overcome it does not have to use drugs, because it can be overcome by other means.

Foods To Prevent Flatulence

     Flatulence is characterized by abdominal fullness, and if you tap the stomach will sound like drums. Flatulence quite disturbing our activities, because we will feel uncomfortable and anxious. The occurrence of flatulence can be caused by many things, ie constantly exposed to wind up one of eat.

Many fakor which became the cause of flatulence, among others, food and beverages. There are some foods that can cause excessive gas in the body. Let's say the white vegetables like cabbage and mustard then there are also broccoli, beans, dairy products, apples and foods asin.Bisa also because the food was not clean so that contamination of germs that cause indigestion. Then how to prevent this from happening flatulence?

Foods That Contain Folic Acid

     Foods that contain folic acid which is quite high. Folic acid is a nutrient that is essential for our body, especially for pregnant women. Folate is needed during pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects, abnormalities in the brain and spinal cord. A pregnant woman needs at least 400 mcg of folic acid, the amount can be fulfilled with a bowl of cereal, but of course you need also a source of folic acid from foods other sepereti fruits, vegetables and whole grains also are rich in essential nutrients.Here is a list of fruits and vegetables that contain folic acid:

Tips to Reduce Pain during menstruation

     Painful menstruation among women may be used felt every month. Indeed there are also some women who do not feel pain during menstruation but the majority of women feel menstrual pain. Pain during menstruation is very reasonable when occurred. Menstrual pain can occur as a result of prostaglandin hormones in the body that is released by muscles during menstruation thorough uterine wall. So that the blood supply to the uterus to stop for a moment and improve the sensitivity of the nerve endings of pain. Pain during menstruation usually lasts for three days

Disminore or menstrual pain to someone different from one another. There were only a little pain but there is also the pain was so great even to interfere with daily activities - day. Menstrual pain in feeling spread throughout peruh, especially the lower abdomen sometimes accompanied heartburn, and there are some women who experienced diarrhea and some are experiencing constipation. One more thing is for sure when your period comes somehow emotionally difficult for a woman in control, she will be irritable and quick to anger at the time of menstruation in the current appeal - while ordinary day.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Benefits of Celery

     Health is a very remarkable boon to provide health of many people. To obtain health to many people use a lot of ways to stay healthy. The way to use the vitamin drink, consume drugs and sports. The way it is very good for health. However, you do not need to use a less healthy way to have adverse effects on your body.

     Simply by using celery will help you get a healthier body. In addition, you also can overcome any of your problems. Celery contains very good for your body. do not be surprised if today many herbal remedies used celery as added on herbal medicines. So, not only separated celery leaves as a food supplement, but also many benefits of celery are very good.

     Celery thinking about the many benefits and properties that can be used for medicine or herbs, the which are very useful for human health. Bladder and vitamins and substances that are Necessary to the human body, Among other amino acids, boron, calcium, chlorine, essential fatty acids, folic acid, inositol, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sulfur, zinc. Vitamins are nutritious for health are vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. 

Reviews These include some of the benefits of celery:


Cut into small pieces 1 handful of leaves and stalks celery, then boiled in 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. Cool and strain the cooking water and then drink as well.

9 Benefits of Carrots for Body Health

     Carrots have a lot of nutritional value as well as a very high nutrient for us all often we eat sometimes as a snack, but we do not know the content therein. Carrots are usually served as a vegetable juice can also be made drinks that contain vitamins A and C and several other nutrients.

Here Is a Body Health Benefits of Carrots for:

Hypertension or high blood pressure 
Take 500 grams of carrots. Carrots washed and cut into pieces after the skin peeled. Mix it with a little piece of boiled water, then blender. Strain it and drink blenderan results immediately. Try to regularly drink water carrot three times a day.

Benefits of Beet

One of the properties of beetroot juice is to increase the supply of energy, other than that there are many other benefits of bits in a way made juice, salad, or soup. Some believe that beet juice is the best juice for health because it contains natural sugars, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, vitamin B1, B2, C and P. Fill bits alkaline balance and concentration acid, so it is good for the balance of our body. Although carbohydrates, low in calories.

     Bit is also very helpful regulate the menstrual cycle and reduces menstrual problems, particularly irregular menstruation and red blood shortage due to very heavy menstrual. Bit is also beneficial for menopausal problems. Here are some benefits of the fruit bits:

Beet is a natural Viagra

Beet is a fruit that contains high broron and this relates to the production of human sex hormone. Efficacy of beet to increase sex drive. If your sex drive and your partner try to consume fruits decreased bit with your partner. Beet is very powerful in increasing sexual arousal men and women.